‘My God, how did I get out of that?” –

A member of a Cape Town NGO fighting for reparations for apartheid victims had a narrow escape on Saturday afternoon when two gunmen opened fire on her in Crossroads. Khulumani Western Cape’s Shirley Gunn said on Sunday she was driving in Boystown to fetch people for a meeting in Athlone when two armed men approached her car and without saying a word began shooting.

“It was broad daylight and there were many people in the street. “Bullets and glass were flying everywhere,” she said. Gunn said a bullet grazed her back and another shattered the windscreen and hit the vehicle’s dashboard. One gunman tried to open the car’s passenger door, but she managed to speed away.

“(Afterwards) I thought ‘My God, how did I get out of that situation’. “About a kilometre away, the people I went to pick up called me to ask if I was fine. One woman said people in the street simply clammed up when she asked them what they’d seen,” said Gunn.

She later reported the incident to Athlone police who referred it to their Philippi East counterparts. Police spokesperson Elliot Sinyangana said the case docket should be with Philippi East police on Monday. “The charge most likely to be investigated is one of attempted murder,” he said.

Anyone with information can contact Crime Stop at 08600 10111.