Reparation payment regulations published –

Regulations published in the government gazette on Friday paved the way for the payment of reparation grants of R30 000 to the 22 000 victims identified by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) process. The regulations stipulate to whom reparation grants will be paid.

Abstracts from article:

  1. The justice department said the individual payouts initiate “the last stage of disbursing final reparations, in accordance with parliament’s adoption of government’s recommendations on the truth commission report”.

  2. “In cases where the identified victim is not alive, the grant will be paid to a person to whom urgent interim reparation was paid,” said Kaizer Kganyago, the justice spokesperson.
  3. “If both the identified victim and the person to whom urgent interim reparations [during 1998] was paid are not alive, then the reparation grant will be paid to the spouse of the identified victim or shared equally among spouses, if there is more than one spouse.”

  4. In cases where the identified victim was not survived by a spouse, the reparations would be paid equally to the identified victims’ children, parents or other blood relations of the victim.

  5. If the victim was not survived by any person stated above, then the grant would remain in the President’s Fund, which would then be used for community reparations.

  6. “The final reparations payment is a part of a broader national process and government urges all South Africans to contribute to lasting reconciliation by engaging in a conversation on how to take forward the TRC process and, more broadly, nation-building,” he said.

  • Source: Full article “Government ready to pay apartheid reparations” appeared on the Independant Online website